In honor of Super Bowl Sunday, I couldn't think of a more appropriate title for this post. Don't get me wrong. I don't care who wins. I watch for the commercials. But, my little lady has officially become a "packer". Not of football, but of pounds! I can, without hesitation, say that switching her to solid foods have helped immensely!
Do we still spit? Yes. My current dilemma is deciding how much to give at each feeding. It seems the daily bottle intakes change. It's such an experiment. If I give too little she seems very hungry before it's time to eat next. If I give too much (like I did today at lunch) she's still spitting 4 hours later. And then spits her medicine. Like what happened tonight :(
She is by no means in "reflux pain" anymore. I am going to stop the morning dose of Prevacid and just do one with her supper meal starting Tuesday. I won't see the effect until probably Wednesday or Thursday once it's completely out of her system. So, Wednesday and Thursday I may be back to where I started. I know how much better she's doing on 2 doses, but I want to see if I notice a change with 1. That way, when we go back to the doctor next Monday and I can tell him what I observed. I have kept a very detailed journal of everything that's happened since we went. I have PLENTY of information to give him.
Here are some of the latest pictures of my "little", but not so little anymore, baby:
So, regardless of who wins tonight, I'm happy. Ady is gaining weight (maybe too fast!) Our next goal: work on her tummy time. We've not done much due to her pain and spitting. But, she is incredibly active and I do believe this is the month she'll crawl. Stay tuned. If you blink, you'll miss it!
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