We've had our fair share of "bumps" in the road since Ady has been born. Just when things get better, it seems they get worse again. I hate to know that she's been in so much pain. It just breaks my heart. She is SUCH a happy baby, but when she has those awful reflux moments it just tears you up. I'm happy to report that she IS better. Last Friday I took her to the doctor and she had been just horrible. She's not having the insane bouts of screaming like she was then (and the first 8 weeks of her life). I assume the two doses of Prevacid ARE helping. The only problem: as soon as she got tonight's dose, she spit it ALL. It might be a tough night. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to plan your day around a baby that needs dosage but that must get it a certain amount of time before a feeding so it does the "job", but yet not too long so they don't spit it? She is and I guess always will be a spitter.
This whole "reflux" experience has definitely been trying on us. I've learned a lot though. I don't know if we'll have more children, but if we do I won't know what to do with a baby that can be placed in a crib and FLAT at any time of the day! Or a baby that doesn't need bibs on all day long. It, again, makes me so grateful I'm here at home with her. Daycare would NOT have worked for her with all her "problems". She would've been too much "work" for them, I do believe. And I would have been worried the whole time being away from her. I know I will never regret the decision to stay home with her. It was the best decision for us. I know I will never regret choosing my time with Ady over my job.
Joseph went out of town this week so Gramme came over to play! I miss seeing my family. We rarely come to Louisville. It's just so much work with our dogs and Ady that we just stay here. So, it was a real treat for us to spend some time together. We did lots of shopping. :)
Ady's spring wardrobe is all set :)
She was so tired and fell asleep. She must be soothed by all the retail :)
Now that she's 5 months old here's a recap of what's going on in the world of Ady:
Her feeding schedule:
Up at 6:30 for the day
7:00 Prevacid (I'm going to try this in the morning. She's been getting it around 10-11, but you have to make sure it's long enough after bottle that she won't spit it, and it's just not working. So, I'm changing time.)
7:30 cereal and a fruit. She loves to eat her bananas :)
8:00 4 oz formula
12:30 cereal and 2 veggies. She loves sweet potatoes/carrots!
12:45(ish) 4 oz formula
4:00 I"m going to start giving her the second dose of Prevacid at this time. This one has been a battle to decide on. Hoping the new time works.
4:30 (ish) cereal 4 oz formula (tomorrow she starts getting a fruit with this meal!)
8:30 71/2 oz formula
Ady doesn't really nap. She gets a GOOD nap in the morning that's 35-40 minutes. After that, not so much. If I'm out and about long enough to "wear her out" she'll sleep and if she's in the car when she wakes during those sleep cycles, she can get herself back to sleep. At home, no. I have to hold her most days. The doctor said last week to hold off on the self soothing. With all the other problems she's having, it's just not the best idea right now.
Her nights have been really, really difficult. Wednesday night she was up at least every hour. I think I was more prone to her noises and unable to sleep even when she was because I didn't want her to wake my mom up. Last night, she was better. I was only up about 6-7 times. At 5:15 I gave her the paci back and dreamed about 2 different things when I heard her cry again. It was only 5:23. In 8 minutes I had 2 dreams. Do you think I'm tired? I am exhausted. But, when do I nap? My baby doesn't! I'm just pooped. Joseph is working all weekend, so.....well guess I'll be pouring the coffee :)
She's having some major pain from her teeth. Her back bottom gums are very swollen. It hurts to look at them. Poor girl. She has had such a tough time.
Ady is in size 2 diapers and is wearing all her 0-3 month clothes. She has the best, sweetest little personality. She loves to squeal and use her hands. Her latest trick is to take her paci out of her mouth and watch it move around :) She loves to hold and snuggle her dolly's close. It's so sweet to watch her.
I can not beleive my baby is 5 months old. It seems just like yesterday she was born. Seems just like yesterday I was waiting for her grand entrance into this world. I could never have imagined all the love, joy, happiness that this little miracle could have brought me. She is a reminder to me everyday of just how great our God is. I am so thankful for this gift that I do not deserve. I pray that I will be the best mother to her and that she will come to know the love of Jesus by the actions and love she sees in our home :)
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