I am amazed at how much more I fall in love with Ady each day. When I go in to kiss her at night before I go to sleep, I get excited to wake up the next morning and play with her. She has brought more joy than I could ever express into words. It's truly something you have to experience to understand. I can still hear my mom saying, "One day when you're a mom, you'll understand." And she was so right.
Her laugh, her smile, even her smell reminds me everyday of how great our God is and how blessed I am to be her mother. It is my joy to watch her grow. It brings me great happiness to watch her as she reaches each milestone.
Joseph and I were watching a movie the other night and the dad was going shopping with his "little" girl for her senior prom dress. I turned to him and he knew exactly what I was going to say before I did. He said, "Don't think about it." Haha! My eyes filled up with tears at imagining all that I'll get to experience with her. Shopping for her first bike, her first pair of earrings, her first day of school outfit, her first pair of dance shoes, her first outfit for a date (which Joseph says won't be until she's 35), her first prom dress, her wedding dress.... What fun do I have in store for me! Bittersweet though. She won't be this little forever. Every mother says it, "don't wish the time away." Oh, and it's so true.
I think our lives should be lived with no regrets, no turning back. But, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have some myself already with Ady. When we were going through all we were the first 8 weeks, I was such an emotional wreck. I had a lot more than just dealing with a baby on my plate so it just complicated the issue. But, I so wish I could have just enjoyed it. I did secretly wish it away. I wished for my nights of sleep back. The funny thing? I miss it. I actually miss it. Waking up and feeding her in the middle of the night while the rest of the world sleeps. Knowing that it's just me and her. It was such a special bonding time. I remember the heartbreak, the devastation I felt when I had to stop nursing her. Then, the guilt I felt for somewhat enjoying the break I got from actually letting someone else feed her. If I knew then what I know now, I would have treasured those tender moments just a little more dearly. I am thankful everyday for the gift that Ady thought she was getting from me, but in reality I was the one getting the gift from her.
She's growing too fast. 6 months and yet it feels like I've never lived a day without her in it.
She's sleeping in her crib now. She's such a big girl. The "wedge", if you can even call it that, is by no means helpful for my reflux baby. I don't really see where on it there is elevation. So...we've recreated her baby hammock ourselves to give her that elevated, snuggly, close feeling. The only way she will sleep. She truly looks like an angel asleep in it.
One of my current favorite songs is "So in Love" by Jeremy Camp. It's a love song between a person and Jesus. But, I can't help but feel exactly the way about Ady when I hear the lyrics:
I am so in love with You
There’s nothing else I choose
You’ve stolen my heart
Yes, I’m all for You
Amazing isn't it? That the love I feel for Ady will never, ever compare to the love Jesus has for me.
Since I'm a little technologicaly challenged I can't figure out how to upload the video, but you can click on the link and see it here. Precious song:
And always remember. When your mother tells you to treasure the moments because they won't last forever, she's right.
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