Ady had her 6 month check up today. Happy to report she got an "A+" from the doctor. He said, "She's absolutely perfect!" Words of sweetness for a mommy, for sure. The fact that she is spitting less, although still spitting, tells the doctor she is outgrowing her reflux. Hallelujah! He's hoping by 9 months she will be completely "out" of it. As far as the Prevacid twice a day, I told him she was the "happiest baby on the block" and that I'd try to take it down to one a day before her 9 month check up. I told him I was so happy that she was happy and he laughed and said he completely understood. He said, "I'm just so glad we've found some peace for you and your home!" I love her doctor. Have I said that before?
We talked about her crib and he was so proud that she's graduated into it :) We are going to start self soothing again. Since her painful reflux episodes are under control, he said we were in the clear. I'm a little sad though. I so enjoy snuggling with her. I guess I still can :) As long as she doesn't start to not like me holding her. Because this is the age where separation anxiety really sets in (and Ady's set in a while ago!), it's helpful for them to learn to soothe apart from mommy. Sniff, sniff, she's a big girl now. He suggested starting it on a weekend. We'll see if this is the weekend we do it. I know it's much harder on a mommy than on an Ady.
The nurse was cracking up at Ady when we first got there. I was taking her shirt off and Ady was trying to play tug-o-war with me. The nurse just couldn't stop laughing. I told her she was going to be the class clown like her daddy. She said, "My goodness! I can tell!" Ady kept flashing that cheesy smile at her and just melting her heart. Then, we went to weigh her and Ady was so busy doing her crunches the nurse had to get her to lay her head flat by clicking a pen to get her attention by her face. Hilarous! When we made it back to the room, Ady was babbling on and on and the nurse said, "does she always do this?" I told her, "oh yes! I have a little social butterfly on my hands!" She was smitten with her, it's safe to say :)
She is in the 67%ile for her weight!!!! Although she still seems like a little lady to us, it's "gone up" because of where she started from (a little 6 lb 4 oz bundle of joy!). The doctor wasn't alarmed at all. In fact, he said because of the rice cereal in all her bottles and amount of solids she needs, she would put on weight a little faster. However, he by no means said she was chunky. He kept telling her "you are sooo cute." And then before he walked out he said to me, "I don't just say that to everybody. She is a doll." Momma's heart was beaming proudly :)
She is in the 55%ile for her height. She is 26 inches! However, her head is in the 76%ile. Perhaps this is for various reasons: She's just so bright, or she's trying to compete with all her bows, or she just wants to be like her Bampe and have a big head.
She got 4 shots this time. One extra than last time because she got a Flu shot. She has to go back April 12 to get the second part of the flu shot. Her doctor highly recommended it because he said we are in the heart of flu season now, even though most think it's over. And my little girl was the brave little toaster :) Hardly a cry at all. I was so proud. By the time we were at the checkout the nurse came back to see Ady again and she was flashing that smile :)
We talked about our upcoming trip to the beach. He said, "Oh she's going to have so much fun!" She can wear sunscreen now that she's 6 months old and he said to pack lots of big hats. I can't wait to see my little pride and joy on the beach!
We're so thankful for a perfect baby. I have learned so much in her short 6 months of life. How thankful am I that her heart, lungs, ears, and all organs are just absolutely perfect. Her personality is really coming out. She is so funny. And when I hold her in front of the mirror it literally takes both my hands to hold her up she is moving so much. The doctor also told me to baby proof the house now. He feels she will crawl this month. Yikes!! Ready or not, here she comes!
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