Where did 9 months go? Way too fast, that's for sure. Time is passing so quickly. But, I am enjoying each second of it. I marvel at how Ady grows. She never ceases to amaze me. She has the most precious personality in the world and makes the sweetest little sound. Listen to this video of her laughing with daddy. There isn't anything sweeter.....
- Development. Crawling to things, although she doesn't really enjoy it. I blame that on the reflux. I couldn't put her on her tummy a lot so she just doesn't prefer it. She'll crawl to get something, but she'd really prefer standing up and pulling up on things. She's taken her hands off of what she is holding and has been able to hold herself for a couple seconds. I can leave the room with her standing up on a table or the couch and she will usually balance herself and stay up. I say by the 10 month post she will be walking.
- Talking....a lot. I have no idea where she has become so social :) She loves to say "mamama, daddada, babababa". Words that just melt my heart.
- Food. She is still getting bottles at 8, 12, 4, and 8. I'm not sure if it'll stay this way? She gets fruits and veggies with her meal. This week I started adding Puffs to her "diet". Tuesday night she ate pizza with us for dinner. (Our meal times are impossible unless we let her have what we're having!). She LOVED it. But, she really loved daddy's Mountain Dew. Don't worry, just a sip...
- I gave her some Mandarin Oranges today and she loves them. She was trying so hard to pick them up but they were sticky. Too cute.
Look at this video. We sent it to Gramme:
- I'm going to give her some mashed potatoes and bananas for lunch tomorrow. It's so much fun to watch her explore with new foods. She has finally figured out the sippy cup and LOVES it!
I'm going to start giving her milk in a sippy soon. Mommy isn't quite ready to pack up the bottles just yet :)
- Naps....She will usually take an hour nap in the morning. MOST days. Today, was different. I thinks she's cutting her next tooth so she didn't sleep long and she was a little cranky. She wanted me to hold her and she'd cry out like she was in pain. She will go down around 1 or 2 for about 30 minutes, and then again around 5-6 for about 30 minutes. She falls asleep at night between 8-9. But, I'm convinced she could stay up later if she wanted. She is a night owl :)
- Teeth. Well...we have one! And it's starting to poke on through. You can't tell it in a picture quite yet, but if you see her you can. She has her 9 month pictures next Tuesday. I'm hoping it'll be visible in the pictures. Too cute. But, what is not cute on her?
- Reflux. We're still on 2 15 mg Prevacid doses a day. That's 30 mg ( an adult dose). I am eager to see what happens when we go to the doctor. I don't think she'll be able to have regular milk at 12 months. We'll probably have to get her Lactose free. Time will tell though!
- Personality. Funny. She makes us laugh everyday. She is a happy, happy baby. She loves to laugh and is a "great big bundle of potentiality".
- Perfect. Really, she is. But, you already knew that:)
Check out the 9 month photo shoot (Of course the ones next week will be much more professional...). She wasn't too happy when I took the hanger away. So....she was having fun waving it around and chewing on the sign :)
We go to the doctor next Wednesday for her check up and shots. I can't believe that she's already 9 months. I remember the restless nights, the feeling that she'd never sleep through the night, or be satisfied anywhere but with me holding her. Now, she's moving and talking and sleeping at night, and all grown up. Sometimes, I look at her and she truly takes my breath away. How did I get so lucky? I don't know. But, I know I want to spend the rest of my life being her mommy. There has never been anything that has brought me greater joy. I could not ask for more.
I love this blog!!! You are so sweet and such a great mom.