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Forgive me for being way behind on a blog post. I've had my running shoes on (in more ways than one!) We had a very busy week last week. Monday was spent (literally) on the phone/email all day coordinating with 3 craigslist sellers. Our refrigerator has had problems for quite sometime, and it got really bad over last weekend. We found a GREAT deal on a really nice fridge. That was one purchase. The other 2 were for Ady. I found this slide and climber set:
She absolutely loves it. Look at these sweet pictures of her in it:

My sweet mom picked it up and brought it to Lexington Tuesday. Then...she went to LaGrange after Ady's pictures in New Castle (are you with me here, people? A lot of traveling!) and picked up a pink princess playhouse. It's so huge it can't fit in my car. Ady will have it soon to play with and I'll post pictures.On top of all the phone calls/emails, Ady was very fussy. Not herself at all. I only got her to drink 5 oz of milk. (She normally gets around 20 and eats every bite of food). She didn't want her food either. She was vomiting and I noticed her diapers weren't as wet. She was supposed to have her 9 month pictures Tuesday afternoon, but when she woke up Tuesday vomiting and not eating again, I called the doctor. Her 9 month check up was scheduled for Wednesday, but they said they could switch it. I brought her in Tuesday and it seemed she just had some type of bug. Thank goodness it was nothing more!
She is in the 82%ile for weight. But, if you think she looks small, she is! This is based on where she started from at birth. She started putting on weight around 5 months when she was pretty much on all solids like a 9-12 month old. She weighs 20.13 lbs. However, she is in the 22%ile for height. She's a little short :) But...she is still wearing 6 month clothes. I shouldn't be surprised. She wore newborn clothes until she was 4 months old. "They" say kids aren't in clothes long, but she sure was. She got the go ahead to eat anything she wants from the table (and believe me she is L-O-V-I-N-G it!) with the exception of eggs, peanuts (including peanut butter), and shellfish until she is 2. Check out some pictures of her with her latest favorites.

We're trying ham and chicken this week. She's so happy when we feed her out at a restaurant or when we're at the table. You can tell she thinks she's big stuff :)
Back to our week....We moved her photo session to Wednesday since she wasn't feeling well. Oh. My. Gosh. She was SO happy and perfect. Click on this link below that sums up the session. She was perfect. I loved them all :)
We were supposed to get together with friends Thursday, but after our week, I gave Ady a day to rest and get back on schedule. Friday morning I painted her toes. :)
I sent my sister in law, Frankee, (who does nails) a picture because I knew she'd be so proud. She said, "A princess never leaves the house with unprepared nails." I surely couldn't have said it better myself :)
I left Friday at noon to go to Louisville. Before I left, I exerienced what moms mean when they say "put on your running shoes." I walked out of the room, came back in to find Ady had crawled halfway across the floor and pulled herself completely up to be standing holding onto couch. She was just beaming and proud as punch :) She is very, very busy now! And, taking more steps. She walked with her baby doll stroller as she pushed it last night.
My mom and I went to the Lifeway Women's conference in Louisville Friday-Saturday. Her brother (my uncle), writes a lot for Priscilla Shirer. He has written almost all of her books. They are very close friends. She gave my mom and I tickets. We were so close.
At the end of the third session on Saturday, she puled us out with her as she was walking to get to talk with her backstage. What a neat lady.
I also got to meet Beth Moore, whom my uncle also writes for from time to time.
I LOVE doing her studies. Every morning, she gets me. She finds some way to convict me and change my direction using the Bible. She was so sweet and very complimentary of my uncle. How blessed am I to be related to a man whom I can only compare what Jesus must be like to! It was a great, very convicting conference I won't soon forget. Joseph held down the fort while I was gone. I spent my first night ever away from Ady. I missed her, but since we slept about 5 hours Friday before heading out full force to hear more all day Saturday, I didn't have time to dwell on it. I left with a greater sense of who God is and how so many people claim to be children of God, yet they are not. Our lives should look completely different from thos who are not children of God. Everything from the way we dress to how we talk. It was very convicting as I saw these women who are so passionate for Christ and who truly have His Spirit living in them. There is nothing more important that spending time with God. When was the last time you sat and read your Bible? I encourage you to get one of Beth or Priscilla's books and study the Bible with them. Sit each day, at the feet of Jesus and allow His love and power to overwhelm you. You will see a difference.
Thank you for allowing me to share with you our crazy, busy week :) One of things Beth used in her session was, "Each generation is one step closer to that day when He splits the sky in two and returns to bring us home." May that give you hope as you go through this week. He is coming. What direction are you running?
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