Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Just a little recap....

We had the most wonderful vacation this past week in Florida. It was not the most comfortable for this hippo of a pregnant woman, but that's ok. :) I was able to add to my ever growing tan and watch sweet little Ady just soak up every second of fun in the sun!

She deserves the prize for the world's greatest traveler. Seriously. A 2 year old in the car for 12 + hours and not an ounce of tears were shed. She was so so so good! She loved the sand, the sun, the pool, and being just absolutely loved and doted on by every member of the Elrod/Kimbrough/Bischoff family :)

Here are some pics of our trip:

She loves her daddy :) 

 Gaga got to hear Ady quote her book she loves, Silly Sally :)

Little fishy :) 

She loves the water! 
The princess on her float :) 

Such a cutie :) 
All her "boy toys" lined up. Haha. 

Not quite ready for pictures :) 
Playing in the rain during a very brief moment of bad weather! 

And, for some other news--the clock is surely ticking! It seems like any moment now Henry could arrive. I haven't updated in a while (better yet, haven't updated much at ALL through this pregnancy), but before we left for vacation we were given some very unexpected news.....

I suspected all along that I was farther with him than what was "marked" my due date. At around 8 weeks I felt him move. I KNOW that's what I felt. You "can't" feel a baby that early. He also measured larger on his "big" ultrasound about 10-12 weeks ago, but the tech didn't do any adjusting to my due date; just said they would look as time grew closer. I went to the dr on July 5 and measured pretty behind at 24 weeks. Then on July 26 (just 3 weeks later), I measured at 32 weeks. A HUGE jump of 8 weeks worth of growth. Clarification: this is a science that I have not yet mastered when it comes to obstetrics, but some people thought that meant I was measuring 8 weeks farther than I was, I wasn't. Just measuring 8 weeks farther from what I measured last visit. (Tomorrow will clarify what in the world I am!) I have also gained a good amount of weight. At my visit on July 5 I had gained 8 lbs in 4 weeks (which is double what they like to see and very off track from what I was doing before). She had suspected it was from possibly retaining fluid since Ady and I live at the pool. However, at my visit on July 26 I had gained too much as well. I do not eat in excess. Even Joseph often says, "You just don't eat like a normal pregnant woman!". So tomorrow they are going to run some tests to see if maybe my hydration levels are off or something else is. Thus far my urine is still clear and not showing any signs of gestational diabetes. The dr's guess? A baby that is packing on lbs like the last month. Yikes, yikes, yikes!

These days I feel much like this picture:
We are ready car wise- for little Henry to arrive! 

We were having some rather expensive issues with our Equinox (and not to mention barely fitting all our junk on road trips with just ONE baby!), so we traded her in for this black beauty :) 


I know my high school friends reading this are not surprised. Me, the soccer mom, in the minivan. I LOVE it. Can't wait to bring Mr. Henry home in it. But.....hold tight a little longer, buddy! 

There is still so much I need to do before he comes. For one, I have a huge wedding I am coordinating at the end of the month and so desperately want to be able to still do it. My sweet friend is hosting a shower for me the last Sunday in August and I want to make it to that too (because y'all know I have only pink and polka dots and bows in this household!) :). Not to mention Ady's birthday party (that I don't know any other way to plan except over the top) on September 1st, and her 2nd birthday (is this possible?) on the 2nd. But, just like with Ady, I learned that babies do not come when planned. My personality and OCD with planning every single aspect of my life has to come to a screeching halt. I have to loosen my reigns, actually-I have to just let them go.

It's easy for my mind to wander and think about so much. The dr has made it clear that I will most likely go extremely fast once he comes. In fact, Joseph has been instructed to know what to do in the event I can't make it in time (of this I am not laughing about...). She also expects him to be born around 37-38 like I was with Ady. Of course I could go to 42 weeks and have a 36 hour long labor :) But, judging by the history, it appears when my children are ready, they're ready! He's already very low and in position to enter this world. There is a lot of uncertainty I have. For one the ability to juggle 2 children under 2, but primarily the capacity to love another child as deeply as I love Ady. 

But, I am reminded by God's still small voice to be anxious for nothing; that He has this all taken care of.

Thank you, friends for following our story. Hard to imagine and grasp that someday soon I will be holding 2 precious little miracles in my arms. Relishing these sweet kicks and moments of pure perfection. And praising God for granting me the deepest longing of my heart and proving that miracles still happen. :)

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